Saturday, October 27, 2012

this little monkey is going to be a big cousin

In February of 2013, Rebekah will welcome a special playmate into this world.
Virginia Lynn Lowery

We have had so much fun preparing for her and passing our clothes on to her! We can't wait to shower her with lots of "stuff" she will need!

Last night, we gathered together with our family(Kevin) and Jessica's Family to reveal the gender of Rebekah's other new playmate.

Kallie Reese Adair

What a special treat for us as we welcome not 1 but 2 little playmates in the upcoming months! Won't Christmas be FUN!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

hannah's prayer

September 30, 2012, our families gathered together with our church family to dedicate Rebekah Elaine to the Lord. This is a commitment that Brian and I do not take lightly. We believe that God wants us as parents to raise Bekah up in His word. Our commitment during this ceremony is a public statement to our families, and church family that we are committed to raising her within the church and prepare her to make the decision to become a follower of Christ. We pray that when it comes time, that she will make the decision just like we have!

Hannah's Prayer is a constant reminder to put God first in Rebekah's life...1 Samuel 1

Hannah Dedicates Samuel

21 When her husband Elkanah went up with all his family to offer the annual sacrifice to the Lord and to fulfill his vow, 22 Hannah did not go. She said to her husband, “After the boy is weaned, I will take him and present him before the Lord, and he will live there always.”[c]
23 “Do what seems best to you,” her husband Elkanah told her. “Stay here until you have weaned him; only may the Lord make good his[d] word.” So the woman stayed at home and nursed her son until she had weaned him.
24 After he was weaned, she took the boy with her, young as he was, along with a three-year-old bull,[e] an ephah[f] of flour and a skin of wine, and brought him to the house of the Lord at Shiloh.25 When the bull had been sacrificed, they brought the boy to Eli, 26 and she said to him, “Pardon me, my lord. As surely as you live, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the Lord. 27 I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 28 So now I give him to theLord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there.

After our church service, our families gathered together at my mom & dad's for lunch and some good lovin' on Bekah!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

yes...I'm Bekah's Mom

Bekah is not really it just really seems like time is flying and isn't that what everyone says. I remember wondering if she was EVER going to come into this world and now she is 3 months old!

Although she has continued to lose weight, and we are no longer nursing but have switched her to formula (just this week!), God has blessed us with a little girl who continues to smile and laugh and our funny faces and silly jokes.

We have been busy planning her dedication and trying to make it as special for all of us and possible. Her poppa will speak and "Aunt Amy" will sing! We hope that through this special moment that God is glorified and uplifted as we "give" Rebekah to Him. I am reminded of Hannah's prayer for a child. She weened her son that she so patiently waited for and gave him back to our Heavenly Father to be raised in the church. I hope I have her faith and courage to "Let GO & Let GOD" move through Rebekah as her life continues. In Psalms chapter 40 it says...

I waited patiently for the Lord;
    he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
    out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
    and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
    a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord
    and put their trust in him.
Blessed is the one
    who trusts in the Lord,
who does not look to the proud,
    to those who turn aside to false gods.[b]
Many, Lord my God,
    are the wonders you have done,
    the things you planned for us.
None can compare with you;

    were I to speak and tell of your deeds,
    they would be too many to declare.

That has been my prayer and hope since losing our sweet Baby Adair 2 years ago. God has fulfilled his promise of a family for Brian and I. We hope that through His guidance we will be able to raise her up to be the young woman He wants her to be!

Just recently I have been reminded to pray for her future spouse. Some may find this crazy, but my parents did that for me and God has Blessed me in that department ;)
...I pray Heavenly Father for your hands to be with Rebekah's future spouse. I pray that you will guide his parents in raising him to be the Godly man you have him to be and that He will let you shine through him so that others may know about you and become one of Your children. I pray Father for his parents as they raise him and teach him about You. That their love will surround him and be passed to him in preparing him to LOVE my daughter. I now pray for Bekah as she grows up to be the woman You have her to be. Father that through Brian and I she will learn about you in a way that only you have designed for her. We want to be a beacon for You to teach and guide her through life to better serve you! I also pray for Bekah and her future husband as they come to each. That they will grow toward you as they grow toward each other!...Amen

I am so blessed to be Bekah's Mom...and hope that God moves through me as the months and years go by to help Bekah become the woman God wants her to be.

Monday, September 10, 2012

month 2 with Bekah

updating this months blog has been challenging for me...later on you will understand this better

So many blessing have come our way since sweet Rebekah Elaine has entered our lives.
We have been told by her doctor that she is developmentally advanced for her age (great news) and she's smart as a whip (she gets it from her momma ;))
She has been holding her head up since the day she was born and she has been very alert with the people and objects around her. She doesn't reach for them, but hearing her daddy's (brian), poppa's (my daddy), and papa's (earl) voices makes her smile the biggest.
she has started trying to roll over. No big movements just small efforts from her back to her tummy.
She has almost weened herself out of her bassinet (its just to small for one little girl to move around in) so we have moved it out and the sit in bassinet is where she sleeps. This momma is not quite ready for her to be in her crib all night by herself. I must be able to quickly lay hands on her just to see if she's breathing (you other momma's know what I'm talking about ;))
We had a small visit to the hospital with Bekah. She was becoming dehydrating, fussy, and an increase of her reflux. Mobile Infirmary did a wonderful job taking care of our baby girl, and it was so heartbreaking to see her in so much pain and suffering. It was hard on mom and DAD as dad had to get off work early to get to Mobile to love on "his girl"! Found out that the pharmacist told me the wrong strength of her prescription which was not helping her at all! Thankfully, the nurse caught on to our dosage and quickly fix that problem.

A couple of weeks later we were headed south to the OBA!!!! (see next post for that trip!)
now for the most challenging part of this month. whether it is postpartum or what...i have felt like a bad mom and wife in so many ways. Brian's work schedule is so crazy that it is hard for Brian to see her every day. Many days I get Brian up for night shift and Bekah is taking a nap at my moms (we move in with my parents while Brian is on nights...its a scary place by yourself) Many days I don't think I can handle so much responsibility. Getting Brian up and dressed (did I do the laundry? I can't ever remember until he I have pants clean...umm.....maybe?!?!?!) supper cooked (do we have groceries...umm....maybe?!?!?!?!), Bekah calm enough to relax in her daddy's arms (did I bring her pasie with us...umm....maybe?!?!?!), are there dishes to cook on (have you seen my sink?!?!?!?!) AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I can't seem to keep up with anything these days. My brain is SOOOO not the same as before Bekah arrived! I'm more emotional, more tired, more this, more that, and more of a forgetful person than ever before. If it isn't attached to my head then I DON"T KNOW!!! Sure I wrote it down...but where did I write it down and where did I put it? My coversations with my husband are scattered and unfinished...he just looks at me like I have lost my mind...umm...maybe?!?!?!?! Nursing brings on a whole new set of problems...with Bekah's constant tummy troubles I have gone to almost complete pumping mode. I am no where near getting as much milk as I have I am always never ahead for me to leave her for a few hours at a time. What's a girl to do? I feel so much like a failure!!!!....Pinterest helps keep my mind somewhat clear when I have a minute while she takes a quick nap and today I came across this ladies blog. A mom of 7...yes 7...has nailed how I feel down to a "T"...check it out!!!
dear sweet mom who feels like she is failing.

so failure turns to ...I can do this...I can do this...I can do this...can I do this...wait...I can do this!

below are a few pictures of baby girl from this month! another bad momma 2 month photo..oh well...maybe next month!

We have been cheering Uncle Jonathan on at football games and peprallies! of course it is so exciting that Bekah falls fast asleep ;)

until next time...Go Vols and God Bless your Family from ours


Thursday, August 2, 2012

time flies when your having fun?!?!?!

WOW! has it really been a whole month since we had Rebekah? Life in our house has never been more exciting, draining, loving, fabulous, the words just keep coming and coming ...

We have been to the doctor a couple time for her check far everything looks good! We love her pediatrician. He has made me feel at ease since the hospital visits. However, the 2 week check up was so not fun! We saw a practicing doctor in the office and we were not to thrilled with her.

The first thing she says when she walks in..

dr. we don't like: "We like to see our own patients, so we can get to know them."

umm...okay do i need to leave (is what I was thinking)..
me:"well the front desk said he was out all week"

dr: he was here monday and tuesday

me: THEY told me he wasn't here this week.

dr.: well he was here. The appointments don't have to be exactly on the certain days.

me: oookay!

so the appointment continues...
dr: "she has strong muscle tones"
 me: I'm thinking cool...
dr. continues: "shes about to roll over, you should do more tummy time."
 me: (i'm thinking she's two weeks old but okay) "well she sleeps on her stomach
dr: "OH NO! we don't sleep on our stomach that causes SIDS. Sudden infant death syndrome
me: i know what that is
my mom: all three of mine slept on their stomach
dr:  (as her finger is pointed at me) Times have changed!
me: (my eyes get big and I am almost going post pregnancy hormonal Kirchharr on her) don't have to stay up with her, sooooo she can sleep on her stomach

in the end...she has gained all of her weight back she is now 8lbs.1oz and grew 1 inc. total 20 inches long!

We and by we I mean ME...have been having a hard time with her feeding schedule. Holy cow my mom was right this is tough! and when she hits a growth spurt! KILL ME NOW, I think...we have yet to hit a consistent schedule because she keeps growing. We are eating about every 1 1/2-2 hours depending on if she falls asleep during said feedings. She is currently going through some reflux issues. We don't know yet if these issues will lead to pyloric stenosis or not, but we are constantly looking for it! if we can make it 7 more weeks we will be in the clear. These reflux issues keep Bekah and Mommy up most of the night and day only sleeping for small increments ( every 30-45 minutes) unless we are in the recliner...she sleeps for hours if we are in there! that habit has to be squashed!

I refuse to give up on nursing, even if it's hard. I feel like a failure when we have to give her a formula supplement. That disappoints me to no ends. I'm not saying formula is bad, but in my mind I refuse to give up just because its inconvenient for me or its hard for me. SLEEP?....who needs it! certainly not this momma! lol:)

Even through all this craziness, we have been blessed with a family who will watch over and spoil her while we rest or if we don't want to get her out in public. She has so much fun visiting her grandparents. All of them spoil her and give her whatever she wants. I know it will only get worse where they are concerned! :) Thanks guys!

Bekah went to church on Sunday for the first time a few weeks ago. We went to Sunday School and then went to hear Poppa preach at Philadelphia Baptist. She was a true baptist and fell asleep during the service! She does so well during church. Especially during Choir Practice. The music just soothes her!

With Brian's schedule, we have had a hard time having quality family time together. We had a photoshoot with Stephanie Ledbetter in Camden. AND OH HOW SWEET those pictures are. Then, this week, Brian has been on days, and the Olympics have been on at night. We do Bekah's nightly routine and lay in bed cheering the USA on! We love watching swimming and gymnastics (well I enjoy gymnastics).

My dad made the comment "being a parents easy right!" Yeah, dad! its a breeze! lol... I knew that life would not be easy and the nights would be long, but you never really KNOW how LONG those nights are...and how NOT EASY it is to take care of a little being until you are actually up all night long. You definitely have to have a strong sense of yourself and a strong mindset to take care of your child.

With all that being said, I LOVE MY DAUGHTER, when she smiles, she lights up the room! Her laugh makes you laugh and giggle (she makes her daddy giggle)!

Until next month, Rebekah is growing strong, and keeps us on our toes! We thank God (even through long nights) that she is in our lives and this is only part of the journey!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

she's here!!!

It's hard to believe that it has been a whole week since Rebekah came into our lives. Amy asked me if it felt like she's always been here...yes it has! What did we do before she arrived? I surely don't remember!

We went to the doctor Wednesday, June 27, 2012 in hopes that he indeed would put me in that night. The big news....nothing has changed! now where have I heard that before...oh right...the last 3 appointments! So we went to the hospital at 5:00pm. They got me to a room and evaluated. They started me on some medication to help start dilation. All night-every few hours-I would drink some watered:medication. Since they only allowed 1 person to stay with me overnight, Mom went to Aunt Tammy's and returned the next morning. Brian stayed with me, but didn't get any sleep.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The nurse started my potocin(sp) at 5:00am. Mom joined us and Dr. Carpenter checked in on us around 8:00am. He wanted to break my water...okay that didn't go as planned! He said we will try again at lunch...umm....NOT WITHOUT MEDICATION!!! Dad, Whitney, and Jenn joined us that morning...followed by Earl, Tammy, Jonathan, Kevin, and Jessica. The pain wasn't to terrible until right before lunchtime. MEDICATION TIME FOR ME :) Most of the day is a blur as close friends and family joined us as we welcomed Bekah into the world. The Bayles, Allens, and Uncle Josh joined us too!!! Lunchtime came and NO CHANGE! Dr. C said we will wait until about 3:30 and check for any changes! Epidural Time!!! I have always heard horror stories about this...but it actually wasn't bad! The anesthesiologist explained everything and made me very relaxed! EPIDURALS=AMAZING!!! When 3:30 rolled around, Dr.C informed us that only a small change had been made(1/2 cm) c-section it was! My mom was worried and not to thrilled about what was happening to her little girl! Brian's conversation with Dr. C...

Brian: How long will it be?
Dr. C: about 20-30 minutes
Brian: OH! (face goes white and he begins pacing the room)

Everyone begins running around to get get ready for Bekah's quick arrival. After prepping me for surgery, everyone who has joined us came into the room. We gathered together as Tony lifted a quick prayer of thanksgiving and request for a safe delivery of our sweet little girl! It was very emotional as we lifted our heads from prayer! We were so excited and anxious as a matter of minutes we would be a family of 3.

As we rolled into the delivery room, Brian asked Whitney...what if I throw in the mask?....UM? Swallow?!?!?!

Brian was shaking so bad as we were nervously waiting for Bekah to make her appearance. Dr. C said she has a head full of hair....We ask...WHAT COLOR? since the debate the whole nine months has been red or black hair...the answer..Black.

The next moment is very hard to describe...her first cry! How much could I love someone I have yet to meet and only heard her cry! Brian's color has returned! and we were so excited to meet her...hurry we want her in our arms! They cleaned her up and handed her to are so precious as Brian loves on Bekah for the first time!

After surgery, we all gathered back together....
Michelle: Where's Earl?
...a few moments later...
Brian: Where did Earl go?
the curtain flies open...and Earl dramatically rolls Rebekah in

Welcome to our World Rebekah Elaine Adair!

We pass her around to get the first few loves before the nurses must take her back for her first bath. Everyone slowly makes their way home and its just Brian, Rebekah and I...soon though...the McCrorys come and Brian and Nathan make a quick exit to get some food! Amy and Emma get some sweet love before the nurse whisks her away. Soon it is just Brian Rebekah and I...all settled in for the night.

Over the next few days in the hospital, we welcomed lots of family and friends as they came to meet Bekah.

We are now adjusting to a family of 3 as mom has gone home and life is settling down. It's hard to image she is a week old already. WOW time flies!! She has started scooting in her bassinet so that her head is against the side. Stop growing up!

The "village" has already started spoiling her! We can't wait for God to guide us as we raise Rebekah Elaine Adair!

her children will arise and call her blessed...

As we are settling into our new way of life, we have had the pleasure of having my mother join us in becoming a family of 3. She has been a HUGE blessing to us this past week, as Brian returned to work and I adjusted to becoming a full-time mom. She would get up with me during the night and help take care of our sweet Bekah. Mom would make sure we had food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She would make sure that our clothes were clean...especially since Brian needed work clothes! What would we do without her?

I never realized the immense love of another human being. My mom has taught me that being a mom is more than just late night feedings, nasty diaper changes, and pretty clothes to change into. Being a mom is about loving Bekah like God loves his people. Being a mom is about teaching Bekah about God's love for her...and what it means to have faith in Him and to always follow His path for her.

Proverbs 31 is an excellent example of the type of women and MOTHER my mom is...

[b]A wife of noble character who can find? 
    She is worth far more than rubies.
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
    and lacks nothing of value. 
12 She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life.
13 She selects wool and flax
    and works with eager hands. 
14 She is like the merchant ships,
    bringing her food from afar.
15 She gets up while it is still night;
    she provides food for her family
    and portions for her female servants.
16 She considers a field and buys it;
    out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She sets about her work vigorously;
    her arms are strong for her tasks.
18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
    and her lamp does not go out at night.
19 In her hand she holds the distaff
    and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
20 She opens her arms to the poor
    and extends her hands to the needy. 
21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
    for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
22 She makes coverings for her bed;
    she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
    where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
    and supplies the merchants with sashes.
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come.
26 She speaks with wisdom,
    and faithful instruction is on her tongue. 
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.”

30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.


Friday, June 22, 2012

last days as a family of 2

It's so close!!! Our family will become 3 in just a matter of days. As I look back over the years that Brian and I have been together, I remember the memories that shaped us to become the people we are today and the parents we are going to be in the days to come..........

Our first date...what was I thinking getting involved with an ALABAMA fan ( We went to Tuscaloosa to watch LSU beat the Crimson Tide..."I can say with pride" that Brian has not been to a game where Alabama has won! We should go more often...hahahaha ;)

We learned quickly that our interests in sports differ greatly....
I went to Monroe Academy....He went to Escambia Academy
I cheer for the Auburn Tigers ....He roots for the Alabama Crimson Tide
I am a New York Yankee fan....He watches the Braves....EVERYDAY!!!!
* Although our college teams are the same as the day we met, I have converted him into becoming a VOLUNTEER...I'm sure that most of that is due to his baby brother becoming a Volunteer! So we have that in common now! He swears that I am slowly becoming a Braves's not that I hate the Braves...I like the players and enjoy going to a game....but I still love my yankees!

We learned that we are very FAMILY oriented. He is a momma's boy...this fact is not a bad thing, because he and mrs. tammy are a very laid back-go with the flow type of people. His brothers mean everything to him...he is very dedicated to maintaining his relationship with Kevin and Jonathan. Jonathan is the apple of his eye. We go to as many sporting events for Jonathan as we can. He helps motivate and encourage him the best he can! His aunts and uncles, cousins and friends are always around someway or another. We are constantly at someones home just chatting, throwing horseshoes, or eating (we do a lot of eating:)) I am very much a family gal. From the beginning of our relationship, my family has been involved in our time together. Sure I would find Brian in bed with Whitney (lol...this has gone on from the beginning...whether we were watching movies or he just wanted to aggravate her). Someone once said..ya'll are always over there. Yes we randomly show up over there and get invited for supper or have a rousing game of ping pong. Family is so important to us as we grow in our family! They can't wait for Rebekah to get here!

Brian and I got married August 4, 2007. We definitely had our share of "for better or worse" and "in sickness and health" that first year. November 2007: we were celebrating Brian's birthday with both sides of family and friends. I came down with some allergic reaction of what we are not sure. It was so bad even after medication, we ended up in the ER. The next couple months I continuously had reactions to random things. We decided in February 2008 that I needed to see the doctor. Dr. Sage sent me to an endocrinologist and allergy doctor. Sure I had allergies...I have always had allergies! The lumps in my throat were "suspicious", so we decided surgery was our best option. After the lab work came back, we were told that yes I had cancer. A very difficult 6 weeks later I received radio-active iodine and several body scans. I  am now 5 years cancer free!!! PRAISE JESUS!!!

We lived 2 hours from home our first few years of marriage. This was tough for us because our family was in Monroeville. However, our Highland Home Family are some amazing people. They have been a diamond in the rough as we lived so far from home. Our love for them is something that is unexplainable. They are truly a  God-send from our Heavenly Father. I am sure we would not have made it without there love, laughter and just Godly presence! We miss them so much!!!!

Our Eastwood Church Family is one that has never left our hearts. When we moved back home, it was like we never left them. We quickly got back into the hang of things...Bible School, Sunday School, church functions, children's ministry, even church hostess...i did not know what I got myself into with that! But we would not have it any other way. We are so blessed that God has given us a church family to minister with. We can not wait for our church family to love on Rebekah as they have loved on us for so many years!

Memories are so important...especially to me! You would be reading a novel or trilogy by the time I finished with the important things that have happened over the last 8 1/2's so hard to believe that we have been together that long! We are celebrating our 5 year anniversary this August. Time sure does fly by!!

So many people have told us our lives are about to a good way though! We can't wait!!! yes we are nervous, excited, and anxious, but we know without a doubt that this is the journey that God has planned for our life!

We know that it takes a village to raise a get ready "VILLAGE", she will be here before you know it!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Let me be clear...

...We are so excited that Rebekah Elaine is coming soon! She is already a daddy's girl and is growing and jamming out in her mommy's tummy! We couldn't be more elated that God has blessed us with such a miracle!

I have been so worried about how "big" I was compared to those around me who were pregnant. Everyone else looks pregnant and looks amazing. My mom reminds are taller than them (sorry my short friends :) ). I also lost 18 pounds the first 4 months, so that probably has a lot to do with it!
*We went to the beach a couple of weeks ago. Can I get a big E20 anyone? (inside joke)...just ask in person...its a lot funnier that way!) Whit took a few pictures of my "pregasauras" self (as my band girls call me).

Over the last couple months I have gained 9 pounds! Whoohoo!!
We are currently 27 weeks along. Only 12 more weeks to go! We are so excited for Bekah to be joining us. We are working on getting her nursery completed.

I love her bedding. We are actually using material from our wedding as part of her bedding! It will be original and "bright", as Brian puts it!

Baseball is in full swing! Jonathan's doing wonderful this season. 1..i mean 2...wait, what? 3 homeruns?!?!?!
One we know for sure is an out of the park-over the fence kind of homerun! the other two..
well let me explain....
#2 homerun: bases are loaded, Jonathan hits a bunt slap to the pitcher, the pitcher then throws to the catcher for an out! the catcher then tries to get Jonathan out at first by throwing it to the Right Fielder (clearly he is safe), the RF throws the ball back to the catcher, who then tries to get Jonathan out again at third by throwing it the Left Fielder (clearly that didn't work out as planned), thus homerun #2!
#3 homerun: Jonathan hits the ball past the Center Fielder? (I'm a little fuzzy on details for this one, since we were not there)...Jonathan rounds 2nd headed to third when the CF tries to get him out at 3rd, the ball hits his helmet and bounces over the fence...thus homerun #3!

We always enjoy watching and cheering on the Volunteers! There is no better way to spend a spring afternoon that by watching Jonathan pitch and bring home a WIN!!

Our children's ministry at Eastwood is gearing up on some fun activities that will lead right into Summer!
Messy Madness followed by Family Movie Night will jump start our Summer off! Vacation Bible School follows our Messy Madness. Our church is already preparing for VBS! I can't wait for God to show out during our "Summer Break." During our Summer AWANAS, we are going to learn our 10 Commandments and how it impacts our lives! The kids (big ;) and little) are going to experience God do amazing things! I for one can not wait! So don't miss out!!

...until next time...
we are enjoying Bekah move, dance, and kick-box her way into our hearts and lives!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

that important announcement

ha! so I haven't updated like I should. The big probably already know...
It's a GIRL!! Rebekah Elaine Adair will arrive this summer!
We found out with some of our closest friends and family at David's. Thanks to everyone who were there!

The day we found out, Brian would not be quiet! He talked ALL DAY LONG!! I guess he was so excited! When we opened the box to reveal pink balloons...he was silent. He was in COMPLETE SHOCK! When we were ordering dinner he gave the lady his drink order. The following 3 days or so, we did not talk about her coming. According to him, there was not a baby in our future. We think he was just SOOO Sure it was a boy that when his brain saw pink he went into shock. He is better! He refers to her as "his girl"! how sweet, right?

We received her crib and dresser this past weekend and it is set up in her room. We haven't decided on themes or colors for her bedding! that will come in time!

Until next update, we are enjoying kicks and punches she is sending our way!

Monday, February 27, 2012

stay tuned for an important announcement

only a few more days until we know what out little gummy bear is. as I look back over the last couple of months, I am amazed at what God has done in our lives. We are so excited about the changes He has made in developing our little one. Although its hard to tell that I'm pregnant even though I am half way through, this little one is moving, jamming and kickboxing. Brian and my mom have felt him/her move which is amazing!

so stay tuned ...when we find out what our little gummy is!