Wednesday, March 14, 2012

that important announcement

ha! so I haven't updated like I should. The big probably already know...
It's a GIRL!! Rebekah Elaine Adair will arrive this summer!
We found out with some of our closest friends and family at David's. Thanks to everyone who were there!

The day we found out, Brian would not be quiet! He talked ALL DAY LONG!! I guess he was so excited! When we opened the box to reveal pink balloons...he was silent. He was in COMPLETE SHOCK! When we were ordering dinner he gave the lady his drink order. The following 3 days or so, we did not talk about her coming. According to him, there was not a baby in our future. We think he was just SOOO Sure it was a boy that when his brain saw pink he went into shock. He is better! He refers to her as "his girl"! how sweet, right?

We received her crib and dresser this past weekend and it is set up in her room. We haven't decided on themes or colors for her bedding! that will come in time!

Until next update, we are enjoying kicks and punches she is sending our way!

1 comment:

  1. So Happy for yall. I can remember how excited we were preparing for the boys!
